Reference list preliminary UXO research

ClientProject goal
Gemeente DeventerUpdate municipality-wide investigation and formulation of UXO policy 
Witteveen + BosPreliminary investigation conflict period an post-conflict period, Volkel
Omgevingsdienst Regio Utrecht (ODRU)Preliminary investigation conflict period,  Driebergen-Rijsenberg
Consortium GrensmaasPreliminary investigation conflict period, Maas Stein - Belgium
VermillionQuick scan UXO and preliminary investigation municipality Súdwest Fryslân and Fryske Marren
Gemeente Súdwest FryslânCombined UXO and archaeological preliminary investigaion  en formulation of UXO policy.
ArcadisPreliminary UXO investigation for noise reduction project (MJPG), district RWS West-Nederland Zuid.
Movares NederlandPreliminary UXO investigation along state an provincial roads in East and North-West NL.
Witteveen + Bos, DE-ConsultPrelimainary UXO investigation of 14 municipalities in Zeeland, Brabant and Limburg
Gemeente ZwijdrechtMunicipality-wide preliminary investigation
Gemeente Sliedrecht
Municipality-wide preliminary investigation
All ProRail properties and areas
Gemeente Haarlemmermeer
Municipality-wide preliminary investigation  Haarlemmermeer
Hoogheemraadschap Schieland en Krimpenerwaard
Area-covering preliminary investigation 
Gemeente Voorst
Municipality-wide preliminary investigation Voorst
Antea Group
Quick scan UXO
Gemeente Tiel
Municipality-wide preliminary investigation Tiel
Movares Nederland
Preliminary investigation various railway locations
Preliminary investigation various railway locations
Gemeente Deventer
Municipality-wide preliminary investigation Deventer
Rijkswaterstaat Zee en Delta
Risl Analyses various sand mining locations
Sweco Nederland
Maintenance of waterways (GOVa)
Gemeente Roerdalen
Municipality-wide preliminary investigation Roerdalen
Witteveen + Bos
Transmission system Dutch coast
