Asbestos research

Asbestos research is an important part of environmental soil research. Asbestos research begins with a historical study to identify possible sources of asbestos dispersal. If the historical research shows that a location has been exposed to asbestos, field research into asbestos in and on the soil will have to be carried out.

Visual inspection

Prior to the regular soil examination, the ground level of the suspect location is first visually inspected for suspect (asbestos) material. If suspect material is found during asbestos inspection, the soil will also have to be examined for asbestos. In case of soil containing debris, it will have to be investigated  for asbestos. These studies are based on NEN 5707 for soil and NEN 5798 for construction and demolition waste and recycling granulate.

Asbestos inventory of buildings

In case of an intended sale of land with real estate, In addition to asbestos soil research T&A offers the opportunity to have the buildings checked for asbestos.
