Reference list Geophysical surveys

Project Goal
RSK-NetherlandsDetection of cables and pipes, industrial site on Maasvlakte
Dura Vermeer InfraLocating objects at a sheet piling location, Amsterdam
RijkswaterstaatLocating cabels and pipes near swing bridge, Den Oever
Antea GroupLocating trench deposits in Holocene overburden, De Meern-Meerkerk
McMahon Design & ManagementUXO detection seabed IJmuiden
Antea GroupLocating of obstacles is the subsurface, Groningen
De Boer en De Groot Civiele WerkenObstacle detection for installation of grout anchors, Cruquiusgebied, Amsterdam.
RSK NetherlandsInvestigaron of soil resistivity and obstacle localization, Maasvlakte
Antea GroupLocating obstacles in th subsurface, Eemshaven
Waterschap Hollandse DeltaPreliminary exploration of dike reinforcement, Hekelingen (ZH)
Overhoeks Development Management BV
Locating grout anchor locations, Buiksloterkanaal, Amsterdam
TNO Geological Service
Detection of sinkholes and cavities under a road
Locating underground obstacles, Geleen
BK Ingenieurs
Geofysical survey of remnants of concrete industry, Son en Breugel
Municipality of Haarlem
Dermining the location of anchors and anchor bulkheads in quay wall
BAM infra
Confirming absence of horizontal directional drillings (HHD)
Detecting leakage from drainage lock Bovenland
Regionale Uitvoeringsdienst Drenthe
Determining the continuity of a clay layer, Hoogeveen
Royal Smals
3D delineation of sludge transition, Oldham, UK
Projectbureau BLEIZO
Determining the position of cables and pipes
Determining sheet pile location, Amsterdam Rijnkanaal
Royal Haskoning DHV
Geophysical survey of a landfill, Tiel
Royal Haskoning DHV
Asfalt survey of a dike between Waardenburg and Gorinchem
Pinnacle Consulting Engineers
Radar survey Agriport
Dekker BV
Cables and pipes survey in a canal, Amsterdam
Antea Group
Geophysical suvey  Zevenbergen castle garden
BAM Wegen
Detection of hollow spaces

Dike survey projects

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